Rekha Chawla
Assistant Professor (Dairy Technology), College of Dairy Science and Technology, Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Ludhiana-141004, India.
Ashish Kumar Singh
Senior Scientist
Girdhari Ramdass Patil
Principal Scientist, Division of Dairy Technology, National Dairy Research Institute, Karnal-132001, India.
Vol: 5, Issue: 2, 2015
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Doda burfi is a popular traditional sweetmeat of northern India resembling milk cake of westernized
culture. At normal ambient temperature conditions, shelf life of doda burfi is 10-12 days and to further
extend the same, use of biopreservatives was tried. During storage period, physico-chemical, sensory as
well as microbiological assay was taken into consideration to mark distinguish changes between control
and biopreserved product. The two different products control and treated, were evaluated and a shelf life of
27 days of treated product counterpart to 12 days of control product kept at 30°C was recorded. The
results indicated a significant decrease of moisture content and pH and increase in acidity, free fatty acids,
HMF content, and tyrosine value during storage.
Traditional sweetmeat, functional, Biopreservatives, Chemical preservatives, Shelf-life, Sensory attributes
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