


Vice-Principal, Sharad Institute of Technology ,Polytechnic, Yadrav,Dist.Kolhapur(Maharashtra),India


HOD E&TC, Sharad Institute of Technology ,Polytechnic, Yadrav,Dist.Kolhapur(Maharashtra),India


Vol: 5, Issue: 2, 2015

Receiving Date: 2015-02-07 Acceptance Date:


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Steganography is a science dealing with writing hidden messages/pictures in a particular way that only the sender & the intended recipient are able to decipher so as to provide security in open environment like internet. Steganography attempts to hide the very existence of the message and make communication undetectable. Important domains, besides classic computing, where steganography can be applied are domains using mobile and embedded devices. This paper focuses on the implementation of a steganographic algorithm using wireless communication such as Zigbee. Furthermore, this article presents experimental results obtained from testing a steganographic algorithm using Zigbee devices. The main purpose of implementing such an algorithm using zigbee is to provide security on low and medium cost devices.

Keywords: Steganography ; communication ; experimental ; implementing


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