

Azene Tesfaye

Arba Minch University, Biodiversity Research Centre, P.BOX, + 21, Arba Minch, Ethiopia

Yohannes Petros

Haramaya University, Department of Biology, Haramaya, Ethiopia

Habtamu Zeleke

Haramaya University, School of Plant Science, Haramaya, Ethiopia


Vol: 5, Issue: 1, 2015

Receiving Date: 2014-12-14 Acceptance Date:


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To evaluate phenotypic variation of lentil for salinity in order to identify salt tolerant accessions at germination and early seedling stage, greenhouse experiment was carried out using twelve lentil accessions and four salinity levels. Seeds of 12 lentil accessions were grown with different levels of salinity (control, 2, 4, and dSm-1 NaCl) for one month. The experimental design was Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with three replications. Germination time, germination percentage, salt tolerance index, seedling shoot and root traits were evaluated. The result showed that there were significant variation among and between lentil accessions, NaCl levels and their interaction for the entire traits (p<0.001).and salinity significantly delays and hinders s e e d germination; formation and the overall growth of seedling shoot and root traits. The degree of decrement was varied with accessions and salinity level. The greatest and the least values of germination percentage, salt tolerance index and length of plumule and radicle were observed at the control and highest salinity level respectively. However, accession Lent 12, Lent 1 and Lent 2 were performed well and gives better result than other accessions even at higher salinity level the entire traits, thus; these accessions are recommended for saline conditions.

Keywords: Germination, lentil, Salinity, salt tolerant, Seedling stage


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