

K. Sabarul Hasna

M.C.A Student, Department of Master of Computer Applications

Dr. A. Suresh

Professor, K.S.Rangasamy College of Technology, Tamilnadu, India


Vol: 5, Issue: 1, 2015

Receiving Date: 2014-11-19 Acceptance Date:


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In this paper focus on sleep scheduling for geographic routing in duty cycled WSNs with mobile sensors and proposes two geographic-distance-based connected-k neighbourhood (GCKN) sleep scheduling algorithms. The first one is the geographic-distance-based connected-k neighbourhood for first path (GCKNF) sleep scheduling algorithm. The second one is the geographic-distance-based connected-k neighbourhood for all paths (GCKNA) sleep scheduling algorithm. The main concept of this paper is Geographic routing, a promising routing scheme in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), is shifting toward duty-cycled WSNs in which Mobile sensors are sleep scheduled to reduce energy consumption.

Keywords: geographic routing ; scheduling ; algorithms ; neighbourhood


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