

Kamlesh Namdev

(PhD Research scholar) Dr.K.N.Modi University,Newai(Raj)

Dr. Prashant Singh

(PhD Research scholar) Dr.K.N.Modi University,Newai(Raj)

Dr. Prashant Singh

(PhD Research scholar) Dr.K.N.Modi University,Newai(Raj)

Avnish Kansal

M.Tech (CSE), Calorx Teacher’s University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat


Vol: 4, Issue: 4, 2014

Receiving Date: 2014-09-13 Acceptance Date:


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Communication in wireless mobile ad-hoc networks should be time efficient and resources utilization. We propose an approach to efficient communication which helpful to reduce traffic, accidents, jam, pollution etc. During the routing process it is to divide the vehicular network into clusters. In clustering Cluster Head (CH) & Gateway (GW) node those are responsible for communication with Junction. CH communicates information to GW or another cluster’s CH or GW. In this paper we are designed clustering model for efficient communication in VANET.

Keywords: Clustering, Junction, City map, Cluster head, Gateway etc.


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