

Dheeraj Kumar

Research Scholar, Deptt. Of Chemistry, Singhania University, Rajasthan.


Research Scholar, Deptt. Of Physics, Singhania University, Rajasthan


Vol: 4, Issue: 4, 2014

Receiving Date: 2014-08-08 Acceptance Date:


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Thermodynamic studies like density ( σ ), ultrasonic speed ( u ) and excess molar volume ( Vm E ) of binary liquid mixture of Cyclohexane + DMSO have been carried out over the different range of composition at 308.15 K. Thermodynamic parameters like isentropic compressibility ∆Ks , interaction parameter, χ12 , Flory parameters, coefficients, Ai and standard deviations, σ (Y E ) have been computed from experimental findings. The excess thermodynamic functions have been fitted to the Redlich-Kister polynomial equation. The experimental ultrasonic speeds have been analyzed in terms of Jacobson Free Length Theory (FLT),Schaaff’s Collision Factor Theory (CFT), Nomoto’s relation, and Van Dael’s ideal mixture relation. Intermolecular Free Length, Lf , and available volume, Va , have been calculated from FLT, CFT and thermo acoustic approach.

Keywords: Ultrasonic Speed, Excess Molar Volume, Schaaff’s Collision Factor Theory, C6H12 and DMSO


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