Dielectric constant values of the samples of powders (at various moist states) have been calculated
using wave guide cell method at a single microwave frequency 9.78 GHz at 330C. The Backscattering
coefficients for rough and bare soil surfaces soil σ are calculated by Small Perturbation Model
(SPM). Fresnal reflectivity of the soil surfaces which is an input parameter for SPM is calculated
using the values of dielectric constant of the soil (at different wetness) and observation angle as input
parameters. The roughness of soil in SPM is characterized by RMS height and correlation length and
isotropic Gaussian auto correlation function. The radar backscattering coefficient of vegetative soil
surface is determined by water cloud model. The total back scattering coefficient is calculated adding
the contribution of the vegetation, veg σ and that of the modified effect of underlying soil. The effect of
vegetation canopy on the backscattering from bare soil surface is modified by a parameter vegetation
transmissivity τ. The present study reveals that radar backscattering coefficient for bare soil surface
soil σ and vegetative soil surface σ has a respective correlation with SMC of the soil. Further, soil σ
and σ decrease as the angle of observation increases.
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