

Dr. Shashank Babel, Dr.Anu Sangwan


Vol: 1, Issue: 3, 2011

Biohazard diseases poses a threat to the health of living beings, primarily of humans [6].While performing their jobs dental health care workers are exposed to multitudinous occupational biohazards which are mainly in form of contagious diseases. So,it is important and mandatory for every fraternity of dentistry to know about biohazard diseases [2].During carrying dental procedure on patient, dental health care workers are exposed to saliva, microorganism, blood which can lead to occupational hazards. Dental health care professionals are subjected to potential infection from needle stick injury, direct transcutaneous transfusion from infected blood products and indirectly through skin and bruises. This kind of infection can lead to HIV, Hepatitis B, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia and other infections. Therefore health care worker (HCW) training and education regarding infection with biohazard disease is an essential part of administrative controls in dental office. HCW training and education can increase adherence to infection control measures. Relying on relevant literature, the present paper discusses selected occupational hazard diseases, its mode of transmission and prevention for biohazard cases [4]

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  11. http://www.tambcd.edu/resources/facilitiesservices/downloads/env_health/biohaza rdsafety.pdf ; accessed 20 july 2011

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