

Yatheesh K Rawgol, Priyadarshini P Maddi, Venugopal Sharma, Radha D Kale


Vol: 1, Issue: 3, 2011

The effect of vermiwash and vermicompost in augmenting the growth process in a variety of plants is amply documented. Biological role of feed supplements like semi-synthetic diets and mulberry grown through vermicompost administration on the growth and cocoon characters of silkwormsis also equally well known. In the present investigation, the effect of fresh and two week old vermiwash of two epigeic earthworms Eudrilus eugeniae and Perionyx sp. on the cocoon characters of the mulberry silkworm, multivoltine hybrid Kolar Gold race was studied. Mulberry leaves were collected from a field where different treatments were given to the existing three year old mulberry crop. The treatments to mulberry plants included spot application of 1 and 2kg. Vermicompost, 30g NPK (300N: 120P: 120K) and Farm yard Manure (1kg) respectively. One set of the plants were sprayed with vermicompost extract (1kg. fresh vermicompost suspended in ten litres of fresh water and left for 72h. before decanting to use as spray), one more set of plants received vermicompost brew (1kg. vermicompost was treated with water at 1000C and slowly filtered through a fine gauze to get the brew to use as spray to plants) and finally spraying of water to third set served as control. The leaves collected from these treatments were used as feed to different batches of silkworms of fourth instar immediately after the third molt. The silkworms were divided into two groups and one was fed with the leaves collected from the plants exposed to different treatments smeared with vermiwash [1kg. earthworms were immersed in one liter luke warm water for 30 sec. in a tray and later transferred to another tray containing water at room temperature (26 to 280C) before releasing them back in to bins. The fluid in both the trays were mixed and this served as vermiwash] and the other group was fed on the leaves without smearing with vermiwash (untreated leaves). The parameters recorded included weights of larvae, silk glands, cocoons, shell and floss. Vermiwash- smeared mulberry leaves grown with vermicompost and sprayed with brew showed significant influence on the cocoon characters when compared to other treatment.

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