
Performance Analysis of Solar Health Monitoring by Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO)

R K Shrivastava

Principal, Dr. Bhagwat Sahay Govt. College Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India

Neha Sharma

Research Scholar, S.M.S. Govt. Model Science College Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India


Vol: 15, Issue: 1, 2025

Receiving Date: 2024-11-29 Acceptance Date:


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In real life, human dependency on electricity is increasing regularly. Research focuses on increasing the energy efficiency of renewable resources such as solar and wind energy. As India is situated within the solar belt region, Solar electricity can act as a great solution for the electricity demand in the urban and rural areas of the developing countries such as India. In the proposed research, we submit an automated health monitoring model for photovoltaic (PV) solar cells utilizing Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO) method. The fission-fusion food search behavior of spider monkeys served as the inspiration for Spider Monkey Optimization, an evolutionary optimization method inspired by nature. In the presented model, every array of the photovoltaic (PV) cell is linked to separate Solar Monitoring Unit (SMU). After completing this installation, centralized data from each Solar Monitoring Unit via micro-controllers enables autonomous health monitoring. Additionally, a device that uses SMO-based data processing to derive health information from each PV array is attached to this system

Keywords: Photovoltaic (PV) cells; Spider Monkey Optimization (SMO); Solar Monitoring


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